VDAY shenanigans

On Valentine’s eve, my house had an incredible party that was filled with fun, chocolate, and love notes. I thought the host, Natalie (Shown below. Look at her, GORGEOUS!) had such great ideas you might want to implement into your next festive party!


She bought twine, paper bags, candy, and tacks to make a heart on our wall filled with treats for our close friends. We had instructions for anyone to get a valentine or some candy and slip it in someones bag and when everyone left, they could take their bag as a favor! How cute is that!


We tacked wrapping paper we got at Michaels on a plain wall to set up as a ‘photo booth’! Natalie made a homemade ‘Happy Valentine’s day’ banner that was my favorite decoration from the night. We had a little table set up with bubbles, glasses, and other fun objects that people could take pictures with. *you could also have an instagram hashtag that people can tag if they want to use the wall for an insta shot!*


These amazing cupcakes were delicious and beautiful. We also had sugar cookies, chocolates, chips, & lollipops. We even had a tea & coffee bar! They were all such hits!




I’d love to hear some of your DIY party ideas!

Until next time!



Sexy Saturday

I feel sexy when I listen to Norah Jones. I feel sexy when I wear a really beautiful outfit. I feel sexy when I wear heels and become the same height as normal people. I feel sexy when I am at the gym & when I do something really hard. I feel sexy when I am content. I feel sexy when I make something. I feel sexy when the song Beni and the Jets are playing (don’t ask why). I feel sexy when my parents go out because I’m like,

‘Damn they look good. I came from them. I must look good!’

I feel sexy when I have a messy high bun at a friends house wearing her shirt that always seems to look better than my shirts. I feel sexy when I am singing. I feel sexy when I am editing a photoshoot and it turned out so much better than I thought. I feel sexy when I am eating healthy because I know I am doing something wonderful for my body.

I feel sexy when the person I love gives me that look at a random time. The look thats like, ‘ugh. your mine.’ Its just the best.


Its important to pay attention to what you do that makes you sexy. Because otherwise we compare ourselves to other people’s sexiness and we lose our own. I am sexy. Not because I look like a Victoria secret model or a super athletic billabong surfer. Just because I am me. And I love me.

I am sexy. & so are you.
