
Good morning!

Good morning!

This morning I woke up with a spring in my step! Then I realized I was just limping because of yesterday’s workout.
But besides that, my beautiful South African roommate and I went to the gym together with a workout plan I had created the night before (it made for a much more successful gym experience). We had a great time and left feeling accomplished!

I made a delicious egg breakfast which was just chopped tomatoes, mushrooms, and some rice cheese (I’m trying dairy free) and 2 eggs and 1 egg white. Gluten free toast is from Udi’s and is the most delicious thing I’ve ever had guys. If you are gluten free get this brand! Tastes so light and yummy! Nothing like the cardboard breads other GF companies make. My mom left her coffee and french press here so I utilized it for the first time also (thanks mom!). I didn’t eat the tangerines. That was just to make the picture pretty. 😉

There is worship music playing and this lazy Saturday has started off wonderfully.

Now I’m off to do some devotions..

Hope everyone’s morning is full of peace and joy!


p.s. I can’t believe I have 20 followers in only 4 days of blogging!!! I’m so thrilled!!! Thanks fellow bloggers!
